Poppers Information, Research, and Risk  


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http://drugfucked.tht.org.uk/home/sex/risks       targeted to gay men

http://drugfucked.tht.org.uk/home/thelowdown/poppers/#sex      targeted to gay men

from Seattle/King County Public Health Department:

Health Impacts of Poppers

Moderate use
Chronic use
severe headache
As use increases, short-term effects may get worse or last longer.
weight loss
throat irritation mouth or nasal sores
nose bleed impaired smell
nausea lung damage
faintness anemia
reduced breathing & heart rate

impaired ability to think

burns or blistering

Poppers can increase internal eye pressure and should not be used by people with glaucoma.


VIAGRA and Poppers  www.crystalneon.org/html/material/text/txt_poppers.html

Turowski SF et al. Inactivation of hepatic enzymes by inhalant nitrite-in vivo and in vitro studies. The APPS Journal 2007; 9(3) Article 32(http://www.aapsj.org     go to search  "poppers" ) :E298-E305.



"......let's not forget our dear friend poppers. You guys have a death grip on those little bottles like a

steel trap. And they are just as commonly associated with sexual risk behavior and seroconversion

as crystal is.  Read your research literature, folks, it's all there.  And again, more guys use poppers

than meth.  On average, about 10% of gay men have used crystal in the past year.  It's 2-4 times

that with poppers.  Take one look at Craigslist and you see ads all over the that say  "no PNP.

Poppers OK."  Is it really OK?  Is it really OK that guys feel like they can't have the sex they want

without inhaling chemicals?  I realize that no one is losing a job to poppers addiction, but plenty are

getting HIV.  Is this really OK?"..

                                                       Susan Kingston,  Keynote at Chicago AIDS Foundation June 27,2007